CAT Meeting
August 27, 2015
12:00-1:00 p.m.
Virtual meeting using Zoom
Members present: Jen Fabbi (San Marcos, Chair), Sarah Dahlen (Monterey Bay), Sue Thompson (San Marcos), Stephanie Alexander (East Bay). Laurie Borchard (Northridge), Diana Wu (San Jose State), and Laura Gil-Trejo, Fullerton, Consultant.
Members absent: Tiffini Travis (Long Beach), Michele Van Hoeck (California Maritime Academy, Vice-chair), and Felicia Kalker (Sonoma State) are maybes.
Member Update: Committee is now fully seated for the year.
The members are:
Jen Fabbi, Dean, CSU San Marcos (Chair)
Michele Van Hoeck, Dean, California Maritime Academy (Vice-chair) 
Laura Gil-Trejo, Fullerton, Consultant
2 year term
Sarah Dahlen (Monterey Bay)
Monica Fusich (Fresno)
Felicia Kalker (Sonoma State)
Sue Thompson (San Marcos)
1 year term
Stephanie Alexander (East Bay)
Laurie Borchard (Northridge)
Tiffini Travis (Long Beach)
Diana Wu (San Jose State)
Working Space: We will be using Google Drive to keep working documents. Jen will send out an invitation to join the CAT Drive space, once created.
Toolbox Update: Toolbox is located at
Those with editing privileges are Diana, Sarah, and Monica. After several ideas were discussed about how to foster an interactive nature on the toolbox, the following plan was developed for further review and launch:
Laurie will work with Laura to develop a contact list of the "main assessment contacts" at each CSU library. (Jen will also attempt to collect this information from Deans at the upcoming Council of Library Deans meeting on September 3-4). This group will be asked to review and suggest additions to the toolbox via google form by September 28. This group list can also be used to further develop an assessment "community of practice" for the CSU.
Diana will investigate different mechanisms for fostering interactivity on the Toolbox LibGuide (embedded google form vs. moderated comments) and get back to the group on options.
The value added of this resource, as expressed in our April meeting, will be to "share collective practices of institutions around certain areas, such as signature IL assessments." These shared practices should be the future focus of development of the Toolbox.
The target is for the Toolbox to be "released" on October 1, to the COLD listserv, through individual committee members, and through our developed list of CSU contacts. The Toolbox will be edited by Diana, Monica, and Sarah on a 6-month rotation (one person assigned to each six-month time period).
Report on IL Assessment Pilot Project (Laura): The overarching question for this pilot project is: Are students using various library resources performing better than those who are not? It aims to compare the reliability of student self report to that of direct data collection.
CSU Northridge is still on target for the pre-test this fall, although slightly delayed. The IRB application has been submitted for the study, and incentives have been agreed upon. As soon as the IRB is approved, Laura will contact the office of admin and records to obtain to the students' name and email addresses.
At this point, Fresno and Long Beach have yet to connect Laura with an IRB contact. Laura also needs to know how much they will be contributing for incentives (Laura's Center is putting in $500 and Dean Stover from Northridge matched that contribution with another $500 for a total of $1,000 in incentives for Northridge).
Northridge students will be emailed surveys during the second week of the semester, which is slightly late but will get all the students who will eventually drop their courses filtered out of the sample.  
Discussion on new CAT initiatives: Jen sent out a survey to rank previously brainstormed initiatives by 1) member interest and expertise, and 2) importance to CSU campuses. Six members responded. Our next meeting will be focused on the survey results and which initiatives should be further developed for presentation to COLD to gauge support. We will also have an explicit discussion on whether or not to move forward on swipe technology as a shared mechanism for data collection in the CSU.
Adjourned. Next meeting September 24, 2015 from 1-2 p.m.
Survey data: ranked by member interest and expertise (lower numbers ranked higher)

Survey data: ranked by member perceived importance to CSU campuses (lower numbers ranked higher)

Post-meeting chair report to COLD
COLD Assessment Team (CAT) Report
For September 3-4 COLD meeting
The new membership of CAT has begun to meet via "zoom" virtual meetings and has set up monthly meetings for the fall semester. Moving forward, the team would like to closely calibrate its purpose and activity to currently articulated needs of the CSU campuses. Last April, the group brainstormed several potential areas of focus, and those areas have been further prioritized by 1) those that match specific interest and skill of team members; and 2) those that are perceived to be most important to CSU campuses. The group will further develop some of the most highly prioritized areas that Jen would like to bring to full COLD for feedback at the October meeting at Chico.
Other activities include:

  • Compiling a list of assessment contacts for each campus for information flow and development of a community of practice.
  • Final editing of the CAT assessment toolkit for "launch" by October 1. The committee is experimenting with interactive elements. (
  • IL assessment/impact pilot project is moving forward this fall. Participants are Northridge, Fresno, and Long Beach.