Council of Library Deans : Duties of COLD Officers

Duties of COLD Officers and

Executive Committee Guiding Document

Last revision adopted:  February 2014 

Executive Committee

The COLD (Council of Library Deans) Executive Committee serves as the leadership team and primary advisory body to COLD.  The Executive Committee as a whole assumes oversight responsibility for all strategic, tactical, and budget matters related to COLD.  The Executive Committee consists of the Chair, the Vice Chair, the Past Chair, the Secretary, the Member at Large, and the Chairs of the three standing committees:  STIM, EAR, and CAT.  One staff representative from the Chancellor’s Office also attends Executive Committee meetings in an ex officio capacity.

COLD Chair

COLD chair assumes duties after one (1) year on COLD Executive Committee as COLD Vice Chair (see below). Term begins at the start of academic year on July 1st and runs through June 30th of the year following. Primary duties include, but are not limited to:

  1. Lead, complete or delegate existing COLD projects from prior chair’s term as appropriate.
  2. Assist Secretary and Chancellor’s Office staff to manage SharePoint; ensure timely loading of documents; weed out-of-date or draft documents.
  3. Assist Secretary and Chancellor’s Office staff to manage/update the COLD website to reflect accurate and timely information.
  4. With Vice Chair (Treasurer) and Chancellor’s Office representative, ensure that COLD budget is up-to-date and accurate.
  5. Lead and chair all discussions with Executive Committee.
    1. Organize and prepare agendas for Executive Committee virtual meetings (generally at least one conference call between COLD meetings, two if needed).
    2. Prepare half day agenda for in-person Executive Committee prior to COLD face to face meetings.
    3. Work with COLD Secretary to ensure timely Executive Committee minutes and follow-thru on action items.
    4. Work closely with Chancellor’s Office representative on keeping Executive Committee and COLD abreast of C.O. business (regular phone/email contact).
    5. Keep COLD abreast of Executive Committee decisions and planning.
    6. Organize four (4) COLD face to face meetings (Sept/Oct – Nov/Dec – Jan/Feb – April/May annually).
    7. Prepare and manage COLD meetings.
      1. Work with meeting Host on coordinating logistics (see “Duties of COLD Host” document).
      2. Define meeting times and dates and locations as far ahead of meeting as possible so COLD can make travel plans.
      3. Work with Executive Committee and COLD on setting timely agenda.
         i.     Use CSU Meeting Agenda form to prepare agenda; distribute to COLD listserv at least 3 days prior to meeting.
         ii.     Make each agenda item time-certain to keep meetings on target; name responsible party to lead discussion(s).
  6. Ensure all pertinent meeting documents are available 3 days before meetings.
  7. Ensure that all external invitees to COLD meetings have time-certain agenda slots and access to meeting.
  8. Chairing COLD meetings.
    1.   Ensure Secretary or designee is capturing minutes.
    2.   Reaffirm desired outcomes and action items.
    3.   Keep time; follow agenda time slots.
    4.   Have general knowledge in using ‘basic’ Roberts Rules of Order to conduct meeting.
    5.   Work with COLD Secretary to ensure timely COLD minutes are distributed to members and posted to SharePoint.
  9. Fully responsible for follow-through on all action items (including delegation as necessary).
  10. Be prepared to represent COLD at various meetings and functions as needed (find a designee if unable to attend).

Perks: COLD chair given first slot at attending CNI.

COLD Secretary

  1. Serves on Executive Committee.
  2. Provides timely minutes of COLD meetings and Executive Committee meetings.
  3. Responsible for attendance sheet (noting in-person, and call-in) at all meetings.
  4. Maintains a current list of COLD members, committees, subcommittees, and assignments, including working with C.O. staff on maintaining official COLD listserv.
  5. Maintain (through liaison with SDSU staff) the “private” listserv of COLD deans at SDSU.
  6. Co-manage COLD SharePoint site with C.O. staff and COLD Chair.
    1. Keep information current.
    2. Delete older versions of folders/documents.
    3. Upload new versions of documents.
  7. Work with C.O. staff to ensure COLD website information and links are current.

COLD Vice Chair

  1. Serves as Vice Chair of COLD and Executive Committee.
    1. Leads planning and discussions of these bodies if Chair is absent.
    2. Serves as COLD Treasurer with C.O. support.
      1. Maintains annual budget generated by C.O. staff.
      2. Posts annual budget spreadsheet on SharePoint.
      3. Tracks expenditures and allocations with assistance from C.O. staff.

COLD Past Chair

  1. Serves as Parliamentarian with general knowledge of Roberts Rules of Order.
  2. Heads Nominations Committee.
    1. Procures nominees for Vice Chair, Secretary, Member-at-Large, STIM Vice-Chair and EAR Vice-Chair positions.
    2. Submits slate of nominees to COLD for approval at February meeting.

Ex Officio:

Staff from the Chancellor’s Office have traditionally been represented ex officio on the COLD Executive Committee. Leslie Kennedy is the current C.O. representative.  The C.O. representative will send the COLD Executive Committee a quarterly budget report before each COLD meeting, and will report on budget and other C.O. issues to both Executive Committee and full COLD.