In 2021, the Publishing Interest Group determined that several aspects of the group, including documentation, projects, and intentional purposes, needed to be on a centralized website. This now is a public-facing website, at

With the help of David Walker and a sandbox website (, the Publishing Interest Group has determined the following about the website:

  • The facilitators of the Publishing Interest Group have access to edit the Publishing page (and just that page - they are not responsible for updating the website as a whole). Facilitators should be asking for feedback from other members of the Interest Group as the page is updated.

  • The material on the page (documentation, topics, projects, announcements) follows the scope of the Publishing Interest Group for a public facing audience (not internal to the CSU libraries as would be on this wiki space): a broad view of scholarly publishing, encompassing not just traditional publications such as journals, books, and conference proceedings, but also online exhibitions, digital creative works, digital humanities projects, data visualizations, and other forms of digital scholarship. That is, the page offers both opportunities to collaborate through the consortium, and support for individual practitioners of publishing.

  • The website is on WordPress, which allows and encourages embedding and widgets. These must be decided upon in conversation with David Walker.

12/2021 jaime ding + Matt Martin