Council of Library Deans : Readings that may be useful for CSU Graduation Initiative 2025 planning

  1. The Academic Library and High-Impact Practices for Student Retention: Perspectives of Library Deans  – Adam Murray Dissertation (submitted by Cyril).
  2. Academic Libraries and High-Impact Practices for Student Retention: Library Deans’ Perspectives – Adam Murray Article in Portal
  3. Student Persistence: How the Library Makes a Difference – Will Weston 2016 CARL Presentation
  4. Student Persistence: How the Library Makes a Difference –  Weston – CARL proceedings (note the bibliography) 
  5. The Impact of Academic Library Resources on Undergraduates' Degree Completion C&RL Preprint – Anticipated Publication Date: September 1, 2017

  6. Kuh, G. D., & Gonyea, R. M. (2003). The role of the academic library in promoting student engagement in learning. Eleventh National Conference Papers of the American College and Research Libraries Division of the American Library Association.