Revised and adopted at 6/10/2022 COLD Meeting:

The STIM Committee is charged with prioritizing, developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating technology-related library initiatives. The Committee advises COLD on information technology issues and policies. The Committee also advises technical staff in the Chancellor’s Office about technology initiatives approved by COLD. All recommendations, initiatives, and policies developed by the STIM Committee shall be presented to COLD for approval.


  • Survey and analyze the needs and capabilities of CSU libraries regarding existing and desired information technologies and products.
  • Develop criteria for the selection and implementation of information technologies system wide.
  • Disseminate Committee activities and recommendations to COLD.

Scope of Activities:

  • Identify information technologies that benefit CSU libraries and library users.
  • Review and compare the relative costs of the various services.
  • Develop RFIs and RFPs as needed.
  • Develop initiatives that can be implemented in a CSU environment and that build on the strength of the consortium.

Organizational Structure:

The STIM Committee will be composed of the following members:

  • Two library deans/directors appointed by COLD who serve as chair and vice chair/chair-elect.
  • Six library personnel dedicated to advancing technology in libraries nominated by members of COLD and selected from among the CSU campus libraries in a manner that will attempt to ensure equal representation of large and small campuses, north and south. Members should also represent, to the extent possible, the full range of library functions and services.
  • Liaisons with other standing committees as desired.
  • One member with ULMS experience
  • Project Manager, Systemwide Library Initiatives, ex officio.

Members other than the Project Manager will serve a term of two years; initial terms shall be staggered terms of one or two years so that subsequent committees will have four incoming members each year. Members may be reappointed to not more than three (3) consecutive terms, and may serve again after a hiatus in service.