Erik to lead investigation into Samvera/Hyrax for digital preservation.
Alyssa to serve as Chair of DAWG for 2020-21. Tanya, Michael, and Elizabeth are rotating off.
Repository Personnel Contact List - walkthrough
To use single existing ScholarWorks listserv to communicate to all repository personnel across ScholarWorks and Digital Archives - to be tentatively renamed
Targeted, area specific contact lists created as word document to copy and paste into emails as needed. Some lists to be combined for ease of use. Supervisors requesting inclusion in all lists will be added.
Project Plan Update
Tanya, Alyssa, Michael
Project plan with recent additions and comments by Alyssa.
MWG invited to contribute to plan regarding metadata.
David and Kevin to be invited to next meeting June 15th to discuss plan thus far and make recommendations for moving forward..
Test Server update and next steps
Steve, Elizabeth, Alyssa
CSUN filed server request with IT for Samvera/Hyrax 2.7.1. Awaiting decision. ICT request for faculty and staff research with limited access and closed to the public.
Looking into setting up some test environments as virtual machines as proof of concept if needed to create buy-in for server development.
Switched ‘Business expertise’ to ‘Functional expertise’ for better alignment with our stakeholders.
'Alignment' switched to ‘Communicative ability’
Scale reduced from five to three for ease of use. ‘Ad Hoc’ replaces ‘Incipient’ scale
Structure approved with some decision to be made regarding scoring.
Working group campuses to complete assessments first for use with recruiting other campuses
Strong consideration for in-person meetings with each campus to discuss evaluation? Consideration made for working group members to split up campus interviews.
State gov docs update
What is the state planning regarding developments of electronic only government documentation?
State publications suspending shipments of documents during quarantine and sending electronic documents instead, but not yet taking responsibility to offer online access in perpetuity. For now, campus depositories must decide how to give access until physical document deliveries are resumed. Some consideration may be required for the appropriateness of the CSU Digital Archives to serve electronic-only documents.
For documents available online, URLs could be added to catalog records for access.
DRC/DAWG Recruitment 20-21
Individuals interested in serving on DAWG, MWG or the Digital Repositories Committee should contact their respective Deans to consider them for nomination to COLD.