

Discussion topics





10 minutes

DAMS + MWG metadata timelines


  • Lia agreed that a small group for DAMs metadata would be useful

  • Based on the time of year, we’d like to form this group in January

  • Lia will bring it to MWG and ask for 1-2 participants, aiming for a small group

  • What will representation look like from both groups?

15 minutes

DAMS Self Evaluation 2.0

Beth, Azalea

15 minutes

Investigating Alma Digital


  • Ex Libris approached COLD about Alma Digital and a system-wide trial

    • Sac State has an Esploro license; Alma D tools are already built into Alma, just without the ability to upload files (inventory manager roles, etc.);

    • Benefits: existing expertise, does have viewers (still and multimedia, iiif), datastream file management,

    • Current DAMS is Content DM, exploring as a potential replacement, analysis involves any loss of functionality when migrating 1 to 1 from DM to Alma D; Trying to test public interface without opening up test collections to the public; Can run a Controlled Digital Lending process (manages items/access); Adjustable metadata templates; Out of the box support for MARC + DC; Same MD editor that is used by tech services; Batch tools; Norm rules;

    • Remaining questions about Alma D: permanent URLs/handles; OAI-PMH harvesting; Integration with external tools (APIs); Google indexing;

  • Rosetta: sounds like Alma D has grown out of pieces of Rosetta; One of the early benefits of Rosetta is the ability to construct collections (with landing pages);

  • DRC would like us to do an analysis and make a recommendation

    • Possible evaluation based on DAMS specifications report built out by Steve, Kevin and Alyssa

    • Questions to posit in the analysis: What are the limitations? Functionally and discovery-wise; How does it differ from Rosetta?; Why are they offering this now? Balancing market needs, out of the box tools, and the need to maintain control of data;

    • May be worth asking Ex Libris for a consortial test sandbox

  • Product page:

  • We can potentially apply our DAMS evaluation rubric to for a base analysis, and an executive statement;

10 minutes



  • Hyrax installation at CSUSM

  • 2019 SWAT report on costs

Action items

  • Alyssa Loera (Unlicensed) Look through documentation of IR work related to cost, resource, and maintenance planning (to inform our own formulas for gauging cost)
  • Eric: Draft set of workflows to align with digital preservation (NDSA-based) document and send to group for feedback