Created by Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) , last modified by David Walker on Oct 06, 2022
Date 27 Jan 2021
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Discussion topics Time
Evolution of OA at the CSU
User 1e341
Mark S. looking for feedback on this brief history.
Mostly a timeline on resolutions
Daina and Mark B. offered some minor corrections
How to deal with hate speech and/or violations of code of conduct in IR materials??
User 4d0bd
Do any of the CSU campuses have policies that talk about the removal or flagging of materials because they violate codes of conduct and/or are hate speech?
East Bay is drafting a policy in response to a situation involving an emeritus professor at their campus.
Lana will work with Carmen and Alyssa on some language, perhaps for the the ScholarWorks deposit agreement.
Name chance policy/guidelines for the CSU Repositories
Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) Lia Ryland (Unlicensed) User 99c70
Campus specific submission forms
David Walker
Current system design
Campus-specific customizations to the forms
Easy: controlled vocabularies
Medium: campus visibility
Hard: separate forms (not just to implement but to maintain)
Submission via an external system
Requires a lot of up-front work
Allows us to design it however we want
Deposit (or update) record in Hyrax via SWORD
San Marcos and Pomona using external forms using Qualtrics and similar systems. This works well, but having batch upload would make it a lot easier.
Group felt other issues are higher priority.
ETD Retro digitization document
User 99c70 Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)
Timeline/history of the IR at the CSU.
Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) David Walker
Draft document here.
Have sent out the link to Slack and ScholarWorks PMs for any information people want to add.
Provide a convenient place to see what decisions and have been made and what systems have been used/tried.
Help us make it complete!
Action items