Digital Repositories Committee : 2021-04-12 Meeting notes
Created by Alyssa Loera (Unlicensed), last modified on Apr 28, 2021
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
5 minutes
| DRC Updates | Alyssa | |
10 minutes
| DAMS Evaluation | Beth | Presented at Open Forum, went well (Carmen like the added annotations/information about completing the form) Next step: targeted outreach to individuals to get more to participate Email coordination between Azalea, Eric and Beth; Send out reminders What is our cycle schedule? End of June? Thinking about new committee members and carrying this work over May 24th, 2021 Take some time this month to email about what information we should tease out and report back
10 minutes | Tasks for MWG + DAWG subgroup (All) | All
| |
10 minutes
| DAMS Assessment Tool | Steve | Utilizing the assessment tool across other campuses, template has been further optimized Helps with prioritizing development as well as evaluating functionality Steve went through some of the added functionality items, and how they are applying the rubric in the case of Alma Digital Need to put together an assessment checklist to help comparisons across instances Example:
Action items
- Alyssa will ask Dave Walker to give Eric M. Confluence credentials
- Steve is going to reach out to Carmen about new elections