Do we want to extend the deadline through Summer? Might be easier once folks filter back onsite, though would be good to set an end point – July meeting as an outreach effort and benchmark.
Perhaps change framing for follow up emails and July Dig Repo Meeting as a “temperature check” not a trigger for migration.
Dave says we can push this through COLD/Library Deans
Will try and schedule side meeting about presenting current data
Received 8 so far, data looks good
Sub-group will have to work out how to code the data
First meet up in June? Alyssa will make introductions via email
Introductory meeting: leveraging what we already know, what are the possible pain points, how flexible and how structured metadata will be required to be
Goals for the next iteration of this group
Tasks that are open:
Hyrax test environments (CSUCI, CPP, CSUN, CSUSM) to evaluate DAMS Functional Requirements and build workflows (Paused)
Might pick up next cycle; Vanilla/Lightweight Hyrax instance could be supported by CO (for testing), or can continue in the CSUSM instance
Next steps in development plan
Future tasks to focus on (brainstorming):
Nailing down the scope and the requirements (assessment tools); Formal evaluation of Samvera; Gathering evidence to support a build;
Questions to think about: would a shared system be valuable? Partitioned? Conversations around resources, infrastructure, cost, sustainability; Always going to get the question: what are the other options?