Update evaluation tool to “completed” in annual report (Alyssa)
Evaluation tool was really useful, practical; Applied to Alma Digital evaluation
How to report this information back? Bulleted list to point to at Annual DRC meeting
Welcome Jaime and Ariel! Erik and Alyssa are cycling off
10 min
DRC updates
Discussed emphasis on DAMs as it’s developing in the next 3-6 months
10 min
New Chair Nomination
Time commitment issues
Eric M. may be able to serve as Chair but needs to look at workload. Alyssa and Eric will chat, and maybe discuss with Carmen if unable to be the next Chair.
20 min
Digital Repositories Meeting work session planning
Push the data sheet at meeting to inform next steps
Go over existing self-assessment data and open for discussion (20 minutes)
Discuss DAMs evaluation tool and how it worked when applied to Alma Digital (20 minutes)
Discuss Digital Preservation guidelines and their application/use (5-10 minutes)
Action items
Update annual report and send to Carmen (Alyssa)
Prep for DRC Annual Meeting (Steve, Eric, Azalea, Beth)
Draft report on Alma Digital (1 page, bullet points are okay + rubric)