Added information to this section for: CSUN, CSULA, CSUSM, SFSU, CSUSB, CSUEB, CSUCI
Created copies in Google Docs of some Self Evals that had been uploaded as PDFs so that we could add information to them and re-linked to these in the “Complete Self Eval” spreadsheet
Digital Archives Pilot - First Steps
6 campuses identified in COLD report to provide sample collections for pilot
Testing of at least CDM and DSpace; possible metadata harvesting from another system
Test the different flavors of metadata across collections/campuses; get CSV files
Pilot projected to start in April after first meeting of this group that will include project managers for each campus
Define time commitment/responsibilities and the size and type of materials/collections for test collections
Metadata Task Force
MWG and DAWG members will form core of this group
Reach out to the Archives Roundtable to invite them to the April Open Forum and to present at their April Meeting
Open invitation to Archives Roundtable members to join if they are interested
Get a page set-up on the wiki to promote transparency
Hyrax Assessment Review
Steve went over the Executive Summary and key points
Will post to wiki for DAWG review through the end of the month
Will send out to listserv and publicize in early April
Action items
Steve will add the Hyrax Assessment Review to the wiki and DAWG members will provide comments/feedback via email by 3/31
Dave/Nicole will reach out to Archives Roundtable about April open forum and meeting