Review initial beta testing workflows and ticket form.
Discussion topics
10 min
System update
Newspaper plug-in
Try out new IIIF viewers (some new developments)
Javascript dependency (REACT) on some.
Bulkrax (Export/Import)
Requires cloud storage
We have AWS storage
How does this affect multiple campuses?
We already have an FTP server to transfer ingest files that can be accessed through bulkrax.
Production version of digital archives will be separate from pilot system. Some part of the architecture will be updated. See below.
10 min
Migration update
Migrating some campus archives content that had used only DSpace for both archival and IR materials.
Nicole doing cursory review to assist this process to remediate metadata as necessary prior to ingest.
Campus communications to begin in January for further organization of the migration.
20 min
Campus email data update, first impressions
Liaisons: Adam, Amalia, Ariel, Jill
DAWG is sending monthly newsletters to DAMS personnel at all campuses to update them on development progress of the shared digital archives system, and solicit feedback and data as needed.
First letter went out November 18th. Response rates mixed. Reminders to be sent by mid-December.
November question 1: How much data in currently used in your campus DAMS (include preservation files if applicable)?
November question 2: How much is annually spent on licensing third party DAMS?
Final data to be aggregated in January to help assist CO with estimating and structuring costs for shared system.
Content for December letter? Push to January after holidays?
20 min
Beta testing workflows
Beta testing workflows are structured to map to the DAMS evaluation tool categories.