Comte agrees to have both IR registry and digital archives to avoid confusion
Formally share registry with Repository Committee and ScholarWorks end of January for feedback.
Joint Meeting Schedule with MWG
MWG meets 3rd Thursday @ 2pm
Quarterly 1-hour joint meetings with DAWG
MWG and DAWG to present at open ScholarWorks meetings for interest groups.
Assistance with MWG subject support survey
MWG Subject Support Survey development
Challenges experienced with FAST headings for self submissions
DAWG to give feedback on questions relevant to digital collections workflows.
Policies on accessibility in digital collections
Accessible digital archives is different than IRs.
Total accessibility for digitized documents requires many tasks and manual fixes, and is often not possible for complex documents that challenge technological performance.
What are policies for other campus' digital collections?
Should we consider a shared base policy on document accessibility for digital collections? Will view this topic as it develops at project manager’s and other meetings.
Consider placing accessibility instructions in item level metadata? For example, “On demand” instructions.
Best practice for geographic access: GPS coordinates vs. geographic subject headings. GPS not useful for specific locations with no registered coordinates within a database.