Over half complete after two prompts. Retrieve remaining data through personal emails of existing or new contacts.
Contact designated point persons and create email lists (move to ScholarWorks Communication?)
Listed personnel will be contacted and notified of their inclusion in our lists, with optional to be withdrawn, if preferred.
20 minutes
DAMS Assessments/Rubrics and Development Plan
Elizabeth, Steve
DAM Maturity Model - Assessment tool to gauge DAMS capacity and future readiness. Demonstrates general areas for improvement and a yardstick with which to gauge overall progress. Excel assessment tool, Website.
Assessment rubric - Tool to measure effectiveness of all functional requirements in the system. Isolates specific areas of needed improvement.
Draft digital collections development plan to help guide DAWG over coming year. Elizabeth to share similar previous development plans. The plan is in progress only. The objective of the plan is to guide assessment and testing of digital collections while IR migrations are underway.
5 minutes
Sandbox Updates
Sandboxes currently planned for CSUN, CPP, and CSUCI and are targeted for late spring/early summer.
Limited participation for initial testing to DAWG and others. 2nd round of testing open to all campuses.