Files were not huge: a couple of video files < 200 MB, PDF
Suspect this is a load balancing problem on the demo system
Production is set-up differently
Interested in three-step process, with graduate studies providing initial approval, and library signs-off in second step.
For the approval workflow there are two levels-- user and manager. Manager can approve submissions from both. At Sac State, we currently have a three-step workflow: student -> grad studies staff -> CMS staff. Can we add a middle step in Hyrax, or do we modify our local workflow?
Kevin: hoping to explore whether Hyrax can accommodate a system-wide process out-of-the-box without creating a custom workflow.
Groups may be an option
Manager cannot edit approved work that they submitted, post-approval.
Works that were transferred to user can now own, but I can’t edit works that the user submitted themselves and own.
Can we create a list of institutional authorities for thesis committee members
if possible, what are options for adding authorities on the fly, or mapping an authority list from LCNAF, etc.?
Rights statement is a required field, but it doesn’t show up on the display page.
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Why is there a Creator field and a Statement of Responsibility (SOR not included in the hyrax data modelling spreadsheet)
In place in production
Recommend adding a dcterms:bibliographicCitation field in the “Publication” form, rather than having the description field capture both abstract/summary AND citation information
Send to Metadata TF or Implementation Team
Subject should pull from a controlled vocabulary - keywords should be reserved for free text, uncontrolled subject headings; per Samvera Virtual Connect conference, this is doable, however I think field can only pull from one vocabulary. Possibly have multiple subject fields for specific vocabularies?