
Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed)
Bin Zhang
Dana Ospina
Mark Bilby

Dominguez Hills


Road test the new single-instance Hyrax.

Due date
Key outcomes

Develop training materials.
Complete as thorough a set of tests as we can.
Correct any problems that can be fixed.
Report results back to Implementation Team.



Meeting minutes

Problem Statement

We need to run a pilot to ensure that the new single-instance Hyrax is working as expected.  We think the following three campuses are good participants for a pilot:

  • Dominguez Hills
  • Fullerton
  • Sacramento

Sacramento has a typical, medium-sized repository in ScholarWorks, and has a number of new collections they’d like to upload.  We think they will be a good representative of current CSU DSpace users. Dominguez Hills and Fullerton do not currently use DSpace, and so can start using the new system without consideration for historical data or current workflows.  This will allow them to get up and running faster than most campuses. Having three campuses will let us test the multi-campus configuration of the new system.


Must have:

  • Onboarding the pilot campuses, including
    • Training
    • Setting up workflows
    • Setting up local controlled vocabularies
    • Authentication
  • Running through a broad set of tests
  • Reporting any bugs or performance issues

Nice to have:

  • Running through a comprehensive set of tests.
  • Campuses in the pilot should be willing to help train campuses in the subsequent phases.

Not in scope:

  • The pilot should not include new feature requests or UI changes.  Rather, such requests should be taken up more formally within the Implementation Team.  

Milestones and deadlines

Establish new issue tracking systemDavid Walker 
Kick off meetingDavid Walker DONE
Initial orientation for campusesKevin Cloud (Unlicensed) 


Develop second-pass testing planDavid Walker DONE
Follow-up training meeting to go over questions and documentationKevin Cloud (Unlicensed) DONE
Complete initial documentationDavid Walker DONE
Final report back to Implementation TeamDavid Walker DONE