ULMS Fulfillment : Priorities: 2/1/2016
Created by Matthew Prutsman (Unlicensed), last modified on Feb 08, 2016
- Resource sharing
- How will each different option (Alma, ILLiad, INN-Reach, etc) work?
- Can common policies be implemented CSU-wide?
- Possible Workflows for Users and Staff
- Analyze Statistics to discover possible impact on each library.
- Coordinating with CRSP, I-SPIE, etc
- CSU-wide Circ policies and parameters
- Why is this desired/necessary?
- What are the pros/cons?
- Take inventory of current landscape at each CSU
- Determine operational challenges at each campus to implementation
- Make recommendation of possible changes system-wide
- CSU-wide fine and financial policies
- Why is this desired/necessary?
- What are the pros/cons?
- Take inventory of current landscape
- Determine operational challenges at each campus to implementation
- Make recommendation of possible changes system-wide
- Communication and Training
- Work on increasing activity in the listserv
- Access Services Meeting (North and South Locations)
- Determine fulfillment and resource sharing training needed for staff
- Help coordinate training needed
- Test loads of data
- Preparation for test load
- Testing/training after test load