ULMS Fulfillment : Progress report: Kickoff to 1/31/2016
Created by Matthew Prutsman (Unlicensed), last modified on Feb 08, 2016
- Made sure all campuses are represented on the ULMS Access Services Listserv.
- Created a survey of all CSU Access Services departments to determine staffing, policies and get an overview of the depth of services we are providing at different campuses.
- Looked for existing system -wide policies on resource sharing and posted the one document we found on the Circ ULMS website.
- Made a collected names and roles of expertise at each campus in Access Services.
- Started initial planning for setting up an all access services meeting. Trying to decide where to have the all access meetings - north and south.
- Possibilities: Sacramento, San Francisco, San Marcos, Los Angeles
- We’ve worked on coordinating with CRSP and I-SPIE to make decisions on resource sharing.
- Monitored discussions on the ULMS Access Services listserv. Also monitored other ULMS listservs for overlap in any areas..
- Met with Brandon Dudley twice and met with Mallory DeBartolo once to discuss priorities and directions for the group.
- Matthew has reached out to Orbis Cascade contacts to try and get input and feedback on their process.
- Trying to keep an eye on the big picture and answer questions as they come to us. Performing outreach at the campus level to increase discussions.
- We are planning webinar meetings with the entire working group to discuss our priorities and any other areas of interest to the group and Alma features that the group is interested in.