Kim Wobick (CSU San Bernardino)
Kevin Phillips (CSU Fullerton)
Christina Hennessey (CSU Northridge)
Holly Hampton (CSU San Marcos)
Jamie Lamberti (San Francisco State University)
Kelly Ann Sam (CSU San Marcos)
Teresa Roudenbush (CSU San Marcos)
Update on 9/9/20 Next Steps/Action Items:
Jamie and Kim meet to talk about uploading documentation to Confluence (Done)
Jamie to investigate if there is a CFA video surveillance clause (like CSUEU)
Searched CFAs site, nothing there. Contacted local CFA steward, waiting for reply
Kim will contact Larry at Pomona about locker information he collected from the CSUs (Done)
Treat as “additional feedback received” in the bigger survey. Can be added as data points.
Feedback to Teri about survey, so she can send it out. We’re all added as Collaborators. (Sept 15, 2020 end of day)
Slack Lockers group--Joanna did a poll there as well about locker brands. Teri will get that data to add to our list.
Potentially being sent out on 9/17
Kim to send out email with list of documentation that we have in total.
Encourage contributions
Meet next week, Kim send out Doodle Poll (Done)
Teri will send the Contactless Library Locker Pickup Form to the LibCirc listserv
New business:
Anything missing?
Added a category
Should be on Confluence under Fulfillment
Can link out to images on the Google Drive
Teri’s survey
Will be posted today
3D Printing/Innovation Lab: Getting dimensions to see what size 3D prints could be delivered via the lockers
Media: Depending on size, circulating equipment in the lockers
Satellite Campus
Next Steps/Action Items:
Put documentation on Confluence
FFC is going to reorganize our part of the Wiki, don’t post until after that.
Will have an initial deadline, then a secondary deadline to get more responses.
Send out communication to CSUs about new documentation
Send out info to Lockers channel, listservs, out in the next few weeks. If they need any info before it goes live, let one of us know.
Kim will send out communication by Monday
There will be other things that we think of along the way
SM: putting patrons in as they make requests (vs. full patron load at once)
Photos: get permission from the people that took the photos before we post. Jamie will look into a generic photo release form.
Keep photos in their own folder on the drive
Create a Google Form as a photo release
Next meeting: set up during week of September 28