
Kim Wobick (CSU San Bernardino) 
Kevin Phillips (CSU Fullerton) 
Christina Hennessey (CSU Northridge) 
Holly Hampton (CSU San Marcos)
Jamie Lamberti (San Francisco State University) 
Kelly Ann Sam (CSU San Marcos) 
Teresa Roudenbush (CSU San Marcos) 
Chris Lee (Chancellor’s Office)
Natalya Magazino (CSU San Marcos)


  1. Organization of information on Wiki

    1. Lockers

    2. Review of latest iteration of outline

      1. There are lots of photos, from SM, SB, and others. Jamie would like clarification on which pictures would be best to post.

      2. Same with the documentation. Will try to start posting soon.

      3. Safety and security document--Teri, not all locations are 24/7

    3. Kim and Jamie coordinate uploading of information

  2. Send out communication to CSUs about new documentation

    1. Kim didn’t do this??

  3. Open Forum

    1. What LuxerOne's participation should be (we didn’t talk about last meeting)

    2. November 6 (10:00-11:30) extend to 2 hours 

    3. By topic

      1. Jamie: Wiki  (5 min.)

        1. Documentation

      2. Teri: Survey results (upload raw excel file) (15 min.)

        1. Pick out the more important slides to talk about?

        2. Survey does cover some of the considerations noted below

      3. Holly: Integration/Setting up lockers/Working with LuxerOne (15 min.) (post password free CSUSM manual)

        1. What needs to be considered: power, internet, location, etc.?

        2. Luxer emails

        3. Marketing

      4. Kevin: Alma setup (15 min)

        1. LuxerOne webhook

        2. Alma Library

        3. Notices

      5. Natalya/Chris: Resource Sharing (15 min.)

        1. CSU+ to Locker, 

        2. ILLiad to locker, 

        3. demo spineslips, 

        4. editing bookstraps 

      6. Kim: Other options (5 min.)

        1. Manual lockers

        2. Leave at least 5 minute Q&A time at end; people will probably ask questions throughout

    4. Kim generate Zoom link and send out another announcement?

      1. Send Invite, send to Access list, Slack

      2. General overview of what will be covered

Everyone should upload notes/presentations to our Google Drive for everyone to review. Meet on 11/5 for final touches

No GSA info on locker specs