Kim Wobick (CSU San Bernardino)
Kevin Phillips (CSU Fullerton)
Christina Hennessey (CSU Northridge)
Holly Hampton (CSU San Marcos)
Jamie Lamberti (San Francisco State University)
Kelly Ann Sam (CSU San Marcos)
Teresa Roudenbush (CSU San Marcos)
Kevin (Fullerton) has the Luxer lockers in place now, created a “Locker” library so could choose to deliver there. What the library is named influences how it is used.
Holly SM: lockers or mail to home; had entire patron load into Luxer Locker system
Review Action Items from Last Meeting
Best Practices & Policies
To Employees (Internal)
Notice when item(s) is placed in locker
Notice six days after item(s) is placed in locker if not picked up, which also states the item(s) will be “returned to the sender”
To Users
Day Of - You have a “package” available
3 Days - Reminder
5 Days - Final Reminder
What can be requested
Main collection materials
Equipment (no headphones or microphones)
Media? (Maintaining temperatures in lockers)
Who can request
Organization’s students, faculty, and staff
Holding a Package
Locker Maintenance/Audit (Frequency)
Best Practices from other institutions
Terri created a survey that will be sent to the Circ listserv:
How long should the survey be open? We can start with a couple weeks, and then start compiling information
Kim will contact Larry at Pomona about locker information he collected from the CSUs
CSUSM Luxer Locker Manual Documentation is constantly being updated
Alma Documentation
See documentation in Locker Task Force folder
See page 9-10 of CSUSM Luxer Locker Manual for Alma Pick from Shelf Workflow
CSUSM has been working on letters. Language we plan to use can be found in the Appendix of the CSUSM Luxer Locker Manual
Letter to user when item is checked out in Alma
Letter to user when item is placed in locker
Letter to user when Luxer One account is created
Letter to user when item is about to expire (reminder)
Letter to user when item is expired
Advertising/Marketing & Signage
“Coming Soon” and “Just Ask Us” signs are on the lockers
Social Media Posts coming with pictures of the lockers
Magnets of QR code to Luxer Locker app are on the locker
See Marketing subfolder
Kevin (Fullerton) will provide some additional photos, link to a web site they are creating
You could get the lockers in a color (such as a school color)
Safety and Security
From CSUSM: The lighting under the entire 2nd floor portico area (especially where entrances are located, like by the lockers) are up to code standards for navigability and safety. There is a light fixture directly above the lockers and lights are installed throughout the portico area. | We opted out of the Luxer camera due to security concerns. No camera is installed on the lockers. Existing portico cameras should be sufficient in the case of any issues. | The locker wrap is made of a durable glossy material designed to be much easier to clean/remove graffiti from than the metal locker surfaces would be. | Lockers are bolted down for California Seismic Regulations.
Union and CSU Agree on Systemwide Video Security Surveillance Policy
The primary reason for the policy is safety and security.
The University cannot use video surveillance to monitor performance, attendance, or timekeeping.
Supervisors cannot monitor video surveillance at all; campus police control access and only designated administrators can request access for specific past dates.
Video footage can be used to corroborate specific accusations of employee misconduct. It can also be used to refute an accusation.
Most workplaces are private and cannot be surveilled, including any workplace inaccessible to the public, private offices, break rooms, bathrooms, and custodial closets.
No audio recording is allowed from cameras.
There is a process for review of the location of disputed cameras.
Use of Video Security Cameras
The University may employ Video Security Cameras in public areas on University Property for any legitimate purpose including, but not limited to, deterring crime, assisting police in criminal investigations, and protecting the safety and property of the campus community. Video Security cameras may be used in areas where academic instruction takes place where there are serious security concerns. Any use of Video Security Cameras must conform to state and federal law.
The following uses of Video Security Cameras on campus do not require approval:
1. Video Security Cameras used specifically to monitor testing locations, lab environments.
2. Covert University Police Department or other law enforcement agency operations for criminal surveillance as governed by federal or state law.
3. Video Security Cameras used specifically to safeguard money, valuable or confidential documents, pharmaceuticals or high value equipment or supplies from theft, destruction, or tampering.
Are there other surveillance policies we could use as guides?
Yes. CSU and CSUEU have negotiated policies at many CSU campuses. These policies incorporate the privacy and non-disciplinary provisions the Union advocates in the systemwide policy. The Chancellor’s Office stated that the systemwide policy is intended to remove those campus limitations.
Seems like every campus may have their own policies regarding surveillance cameras
Best place to have surveillance cameras (from Luxer site):
Some package management solutions have only one camera – the one built into the touchscreen. Unless the incident that you need to review happened exactly in the navel-high rectangle in the touchscreen’s view, you’re out of luck. To ensure full area surveillance, Luxer One installs a NestCam in a strategic location, usually mounted on the wall opposite your lockers or your Luxer Room entrance. With a panoramic view of the area, you’ll get the best possible surveillance capabilities.
Lockers come with 24/7 security according to Luxer website
Cloud-based surveillance system on opposite wall monitors full locker area
Is this automatic with all lockers purchased?
The video surveillance CCTV system in the locker area records and saves video data every time a resident accesses the locker. The detailed data and video security allow the company to keep a record of people who have accessed the lockers.
Other discussion:
Letters: turn off from Alma because Luxer sends out notices which can be customized for the school.
Location of lockers: different handling if near windows? Etc. Fullerton put near a wall, still needed seismic tests
Cost of seismic test?? Maybe $500.
Installation is about a day, coordination with all parties will take much longer
What are the long-term effects of weather on the lockers? On the skins? Salty ocean air, extreme heat, extreme cold, Santa Ana winds
Parking permits for people picking up items from the lockers? Maps with free parking, showing patrons how to get to the library from there. Loading zones near the library?
Use lockers to drop off Course Reserves material? SM is planning to do this. Investigate if a certain number of lockers can be blocked off for professors to put items into.
Partnerships on campus for multiple use of lockers and deferring costs (IT, Communications, etc).
Circulating media: how hot does it get in the lockers? (SM)
SM, Fullerton, SF planning on doing both lockers and home delivery. Locker use will not be static once we all reopen. Northridge doing home delivery right now. SM doing both lockers and mail to home.
Next Steps/Action Items:
Jamie and Kim meet to talk about uploading documentation to Confluence (Done)
Jamie to investigate if there is a CFA video surveillance clause (like CSUEU)
Kim will contact Larry at Pomona about locker information he collected from the CSUs (Done)
Feedback to Teri about survey, so she can send it out. We’re all added as Collaborators. (Sept 15, 2020 end of day)
Kim to send out email with list of documentation that we have in total.
Meet next week, Kim send out Doodle Poll (Done)
Teri will send the Contactless Library Locker Pickup Form to the LibCirc listserv