- Former user (Deleted)
- Stacy Caron (Unlicensed)
- Christine Evans (Unlicensed)
- Steven Espinoza (Unlicensed)
- Assign members to work on goals
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
40 Min | Goals From 9-10-15 | Julie |
10 min | Discussion about ELUNA and Other user groups outside of the CSU (Ex Libris Users of North America) | Steve | Steven Espinoza (Unlicensed) suggests campus implementation teams sign up for the Ex Libris list serves as soon as possible. He said Ex Libris will encourage campuses to sign up during implementation. Steve also said there was so much information given at ELUNA and it was very helpful for him. |
Action items
- Julie Kowalewski-Ward (Unlicensed) gain access to Access Services List Serve Directory to determine who is signed up for the working group and work on getting others signed up.
- Troy Compton (Unlicensed) and Steven Espinoza (Unlicensed) will start and share an access services survey to share with the working group leads and then on to the working group.
- Matthew Prutsman (Unlicensed) and Former user (Deleted) will work on an exploration to see if a CSU Access Services Meeting mainly for Circulation.
- Stacy Caron (Unlicensed) is working on getting campuses to fill out the I-SPIE Resource Sharing Survey
- Christine Evans (Unlicensed) is working on identifying employees in each of the areas (resource sharing, course reserves, circulation) to identify experts.
- Matthew Prutsman (Unlicensed) will organize the next Working Group Lead meeting for October 14th, 2014.