


Discussion items

15minReview old itemsJulie Kowalewski-Ward (Unlicensed)
  • Went over prior action items:  Troy Compton (Unlicensed) sent out survey and it is almost completed; Christine Evans (Unlicensed) has complied a list of "experts" and is working on getting it posted.; Julie Kowalewski-Ward (Unlicensed) will not send out access to sandbox since this can be done at the individual campuses; Julie Kowalewski-Ward (Unlicensed) was able to find out who has signed up for the Access listserv and there is good representation from all campuses; Former user (Deleted) is still working on organizing an in-person meeting for Circulation Unit Heads.

  • Reviewed items that Brandon suggested we focus on from last meeting.  The survey that was sent out will be a good starting point for discussion and determining possible common policies.
  • Some details from Brandon's presentation at COLD were shared.  It sounds as though CRSP will be tasked with developing recommendations for resource sharing.
 5min Future Meeting Times Julie Kowalewski-Ward (Unlicensed)
  •  Since regular meetings have not been established, the group set-up meeting times for our next three meetings
    • Tuesday, November 10th at 1:00 pm
    • Tuesday, December 1st at 8:30 am 
    • Tuesday, December 15th at 1:00pm
  • Meetings will remain at twice a month for now.  A special meeting can be called if something urgent arises.  We may meet on a weekly basis in the future. 


 30 min


 Vanguard Campus' Experiences

 Julie Kowalewski-Ward (Unlicensed)

Christine Evans (Unlicensed)

  •  Julie and Christine shared their experiences, so far, as Vanguard Campuses.
    • Process is a mini-implementation to be completed by December 1st.  (Records will be sent)
    • Fresno is sending in their course reserves and Northridge will be sending ASRA and working with Shibboleth Sign-in
    • Weekly Vanguard meetings are taking place
    • The training videos from the learning center have been very helpful
    • Sandbox is being explored/used by the implementation team members; staff access will be given out (if not already done so) as the implementation team members gain more familiarity with the system  
 10 min Circulation In Person Meeting Former user (Deleted)
  •  Trying to organize a 1 day, in person meeting at CSU, San Francisco
    • Originally thought January would be best time, but this may be too soon
      • Looking at June as a possible date for the meeting.
        • Will give group time to define the meeting, set up agenda, and submit a proposal to COLD for approval.
        • Will give potential attendees the opportunity to view videos and have some experiences with the system. 

Action items

  • Troy Compton (Unlicensed) will summarize survey results and send summary out to the list serve.  Campuses that have not entered their information will be reminded that there is still time to submit their information.  The survey should be completed by November 9th.  The survey will be discussed at   meeting.

  • Stacy Caron (Unlicensed) will contact the I-SPIE Policy Task Force to see what policies they are working on and ask about the possibility of our groups working together.