


  • Updates on the progress of current projects

  • Prepare for future steps of action needed

Discussion items

15minAction item reviewMatthew Prutsman (Unlicensed)
20minUsing Confluence WikiMatthew Prutsman (Unlicensed)

Brief demonstration of how to use Confluence

  • Matthew Prutsman (Unlicensed) pointed out some of the basic features of navigation.
    • Using "@" will assign a specific name to a task/feature
    • When you are logged in, any references to yourself will be highlighted
    • "Create" has basic templates for pages
    • "Space tools" can be used to reorder pages/change position of pages in the hierarchy.
10minPatron data sub-groupChristine Evans (Unlicensed)
  • Updates on progress was provided by Christine Evans (Unlicensed)
  • Met via Conference call with David Walker and Ian Chan
  • Christine Evans (Unlicensed) sent out an email asking for volunteers for the task force and what the goals of the task force will be.
    • Deadline to volunteer will be this Friday (So far, no additional volunteers beyond those which signed up at the ULMS meeting in Fresno).
    • Task force has a tight deadline of the beginning of May
    • Task force will discuss the issue and make recommendations 
  • Christine Evans (Unlicensed) will keep the Access Group informed of the Task Force's progress and ask for any additional help from the Access Group as needed.
10minOther working groupsMatthew Prutsman (Unlicensed)
  • What are the next steps for the other working groups?
    • Discussion was held as to how best to proceed with the additional subgroups
      • Do specific tasks need to be assigned to each group before they meet or can the subgroups identify what topics need to be addressed
    • Will be a topic of discussion at the Access Group's open meeting next week
    • Matthew Prutsman (Unlicensed) will create a page for each subgroup to the Access site
      • Steven Espinoza (Unlicensed) mentioned that he might still have a workflow template that we can use to track tasks and help with the organization of this site (similar to that of the Systems Group's pages).
5minMeeting reviewAll

Next steps

Would like to meet before our open meeting to discuss agenda items and topics for discussion

Action items