


Discussion items

20minReview open meeting and next stepsAll
  • What are the next steps from our open meeting last week?
10minPeopleSoft/Patron data updatesChristine Evans (Unlicensed)
  • Updates of what group has been working on
  • What help is needed from other Leads or Access group?
20minOther sub-groupAll
  • Where do we stand with each of the groups?
  • What needs to be accomplished next?
  • Idea for Reserves group facilitator
10minAction item reviewAll
  • Review old action items
  • State new action items from this meeting

Connection information

To invite others to join the session, e-mail the following Guest Link:

(Expired Link)

To join the teleconference only:
Call-in number: 571-392-7703
Participant PIN: 238 225 346 024

Action items
