

Discussion items

Meeting Notes
Next Meeting
  • Christine Evans (Unlicensed) contacted the Analytics Group and they would like to be involved in our Analytics training.
  • The Analytics Group is looking for opportunities to collaborate with our group.
  • Our group needs to brainstorm what types of things we need to get out of Alma Analytics, what reports we need to run, what stats we need, etc.
  • The Fulfillment Functional Committee (FFC) will brainstorm and email each other and also discuss at the next Open Forum.
Trouble Shooting in Alma
  • Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) and Sarina Sinick (Unlicensed) want to put together a webinar series on troubleshooting in Alma.
  • The goal is to allow staff to be able to at least better identify what is causing the problem.
  • Are there consistent problems that cause issues for Fulfillment staff?
  • Some issues that were discussed is when items are checked out and have an error message and/or when items check out for the incorrect time period.
  • FCC will email Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) additional ideas for discussion.
Day to Day Worflows
  • Christine Evans (Unlicensed) will create a google doc of activities that we do frequently and then reach out to the full Fulfillment group to add to the document.
  • Workflows will then be prioritized.
  • Members of the Fulfillment group will be asked to help write the documentation.
  • We should try to keep the documented workflows as cohesive as possible.
Next Open Meeting
  • Christine Evans (Unlicensed) will sent out a poll to see when the FFC members are available.
  • An agenda will be sent out very soon so that people will have a chance to respond if they have specific scenarios to discuss.
  • New enhancements to the CO Reserves Application.
  • We will plan an open meeting to focus on reserves in November.
Recalling for Reserve
  • There was a discussion on how campuses are recalling items for reserve.
  • Work order or a physical item request or move temporary request?
  • This may be a workflow that we wish to document for all campuses in the future.
Lost/Missing Procedures
  • We will add this workflow to our list of workflows that should be created in the future.
Alma Issues

Action items:

  • FFC needs to brainstorm ideas to share with the Analytics group.
  • FFC needs to send ideas to Mallory and Sarina for their webinar series.
  • Christine Evans (Unlicensed)will come up with a document to send to the entire Access group for input for day to day workflows.  Update:  We decided not to do this and to come up with ideas in the FFC first, then email the Access group.
  • Christine Evans (Unlicensed)will send out a poll to schedule the next Open Meeting.
  • Christine Evans (Unlicensed)will send out the Open Meeting agenda to the Access group asap.
  • Christine Evans (Unlicensed)will add lost/missing procedures to the workflow document.