The Analytics working group has assigned Brian Moore from SDSU to work with the Fulfillment Analytics Subgroup.
A meeting has been scheduled for next week to go over initial goals and a plan to accomplish our goals.
Policies Working Group (Update)
Mallory DeBartolo
There is some progress, but most members are finding that they are too busy to get significant work done in these areas.
Resource Sharing Joint Taskforces
Visiting Patrons: Had one meeting. Tested the processes and started a working document to move forward.
Lost Items for CSU+/ILL: Had one meeting. Working on the process moving forward
CSU+ overdues and notices: Scheduling their first meeting for next week.
Open Meeting Ideas
The Open Meeting at the end of April will be the Resource Sharing/Fulfillment joint Open Meeting. Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)will check with the Resource Sharing group to make sure that it works for them, but it is tentatively scheduled for at 10am.
Ideas for the Open Meeting at the end of May.
Ask people to share their ELUNA experiences.
Share Joint Taskforce progress
Dean's Dashboard
Christine Evans
Natasha Allen
There is a taskforce looking to compile data to create a Dean's Dashboard so that the Deans can quickly see the data from their library.
Data includes circulation stats, gate counts, and research/reference services statistics.
We compiled a list and Christine sent it to Nikki in the Analytics group.
Training Sessions (CSU vs. Ex Libris)
We we tasked to assign conference subjects for the summer training to either the CSU or Ex Libris
Terms of Use and other connected functions (CSU)
Lost Loan Profile: CSU
Best Practices for Lost, Missing, and Searching (CSU)
Fulfullment House Cleaning: Patron and fines, fees Purge, Temporary Items, Inventory (Ex Libris)
We also assigned either CSU or Ex Libris to the "other sessions" on the list that we originally forwarded.
Christine sent this list to Rae Ann as requested.
Christine encouraged everyone to finish all of the workflows and get them done prior to the Open Meeting in April.
Hopefully we can upload them and be finished so we can showcase them at our next Open Meeting. Then we will have time to focus on all of the other things that our group is trying to accomplish.
Comment Form
Mallory DeBartolo
We haven't had any new comment form suggestions and we have followed up on all that were previously submitted.
What has been making us crazy this week
Matthew Prutsman
Matthew shared an issue he was having with the Lost Loan Profile and letters. We decided that this might be a great zoom topic and will be sending an invite for everyone to get together and solve some issues with Lost Loan Profiles and Letters.
Action items
Next Fulfillment Group Meeting: April 11th
Next Joint Fulfillment / Resource Sharing Groups Meeting April 25th