- Natasha Allen (Unlicensed)
- Troy Compton (Unlicensed)
- Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)
- (Unlicensed)
- Christine Evans (Unlicensed)
- Jamie Lamberti (Unlicensed)
- (Unlicensed)
Discussion Items
Item | Who | Notes |
Resource Sharing/Fulfillment Joint Meeting Wrap Up | ALL | Some concerns/frustrations have been noted with the recent change of merging CSU+short and long loan policies to one flat 60 day check out period. There was agreement in the committee on the importance of using statistics as evidence to make arguments for/against a particular policy change. Evidence based practice is key to ensuring all constituents continue to have their needs being met. There was also a reminder that these are COLD-approved policies and it's important to follow these policies. The committee is in the process of identifying how to measure and solve potential problem should they occur such as using analytics to identify high circ items and making use of TOUs for particular high demand items. This is a work in progress. |
Future of FFC | Some changes are coming to the committee in the next few months. Half of members have a 1 year appointment. Other members have a 2 year appointment. Chair/VC have 1 year appointment for their respective positions and a total of 2 years on the committee. CSU Deans have been provided the lists of who is currently on the committees and nominations are underway. More discussion will be had in the future about how to make a smooth transition in the coming months. | |
Analytics Working Group & Policies Working Group (Updates) | AWG: We are currently working on getting reports into the verified folder. We're making year end statistics more of a priority as we head into the end of the FY. Not a lot of movement yet due to vacations, sickness, and ELUNA conference. PWG: Procedures are in the process of being sent to Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) by Vicky, Cathy, and Jamie. As she receives them, she is adding them to confluence as a way to provide consistency for folks and to make these procedures more visible. | |
CO Training including Analytics topics | Christine is currently working on potential trainings and finalizing the schedule for the CO training in August but specific details are not set yet. FFC needs to come up with specific topics during the day 1 portion of the Analytics portion of the training. | |
ELUNA | ALL | New updates from Troy Compton (Unlicensed): in the May 2018 there is a new configuration option to add a re-loan limit that forces a wait time to happen between checkouts for the same patron. More information about this configuration option is viewable here: Natasha mentioned the useful sessions at ELUNA 2018, particularly noting the student training session from University of Idaho and the advanced analytics trainings. Mallory brought up an idea to discuss the presentation repository and the useful sessions at the next open meeting. This plan will be discussed further at the next FFC meeting. |
Future Meetings/Open Meeting |