
Meeting Recording

Discussion items

Review Overdue/Lost Loan Profile Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)
  • Mallory reminded everyone to review your Overdue/Lost Loan Profiles.
  • Due to a know issue with Overdue/Lost Loan Profiles, some profiles were not performing as expected.
  • According to ExLibris documentation, if the user group parameter is blank it should apply to everything.
    • In some instances, if the user group parameter was left blank, then it would randomly assign a user group to that parameter.
    • Mallory suggested to include all user groups intended for the profile.
  • If you would like any assistance please contact Mallory and she will be glad to assist you with troubleshooting your profiles.
Summer CO Training
  • ExLibris will lead two training sessions and the Fulfillment Committee members will lead two sessions.
  • We are looking for very specific training examples in order to maximize the usefulness of the ExLibris instructors and the CSU led sessions as well.
  • Christine has created this google doc and please put in the examples/scenarios/situations that you would like addressed.
  • Please feel free to add in your examples.  We would like to get this done in the next month or so, but there is no specific due date as of yet for input.
Review Changes to Fulfillment Pages in Confluence/AnalyticsChristine Evans (Unlicensed)
  • Step by step guide to find the Cal State Fulfillment Folder in Analytics
  • If you have reports you've created that you think would be helpful, please share them.
  • If you share a report, please place in unverified reports folder so we can check to make sure they function for every campus.
  • After testing, they will be added to the verified folder.
  • Best practices for Analytics Shared Reports can be found at this link.
ELUNA ExperiencesALL
  • For full details, please watch the recording for this Open Forum.
  • Here are some highlights below:
    • Natasha (SJSU):  Streamlining SA training using course management system was a very useful session.  She also found Analytics intermediate and Advanced training sessions useful.  She likes the California User Group idea.  
    • Cathe  (SLO):  Got more out of the conference this year.  Specifically enjoyed presentation on Special Collections.  They discussed a patron API which allows a non-campus patron to fill out a user registration form online.  This can be approved by special collections staff and then entered in the system so the user can request materials in Primo and have them available for viewing when they arrive.  Cathe has the contact information for the presenter if anyone is interested.  
    • Matthew (CSULA):  Really enjoyed Lori Hilterbrand's session on Targeted Alma Letters.  The presentation showed the capabilities of the system to personalize correspondence depending on what sort of transaction the user has performed.  Matthew mentioned that CSULA has included a "rate your experience" satisfaction survey in their letters.  Matthew will share examples of the CSULA customization with the group.
    • Arturo (Fresno):  Any discussion of Resource Sharing and Tipasa at ELUNA?  No specific meetings on this, but Matthew (CSULA) attended a session on the future of Resource Sharing in ALMA that was very conceptual with ways that some schools would be able to skip over Tipasa and use Alma to share across institutions. 
  • Cathe (SLO):  Set up recall fee in TOU for material which is recalled for reserves and returned late.  Because of the way the system is set up, any requested item (not necessarily being requested for reserves) is also affected by this and charged the overdue recall fee if it is returned late.
  • Cathe (SLO):  You can load a list of Circ Operators in Bulk Load Desk Option (User Management).  Cathe Olson (Unlicensed)wil look up information and add it to the wiki.
  • Question:  When will wait listed people find out if they are able to attend the CO training?  Christine will check and report back to the group.
  • Matthew (CSULA):  Bursar integration question.  Bursar integration will now be two way in the June release.  Here is information on this topic.
FutureChristine Evans (Unlicensed)
  • Another Open Forum will be scheduled at the end of June (27th).
    • This will be the last iteration of the group.
  • The new group lineup should be announced soon.