
Meeting Recording

Discussion items

FFC New CommitteeChristine Evans (Unlicensed)
  • Christine thanked all members of the current FFC for a wonderful year.
  • It's a lot of work, but we were able to accomplish so much during this current year.
  • We also discussed the new membership of the committee and welcomed the new members.
Summer Training UpdateChristine Evans (Unlicensed)
  • We put out another call for ideas for scenarios/examples for the summer training sessions.
  • Initially there was an issue with the google doc that didn't allow everyone to edit, but that has since been corrected.  
    • If you have any troubles editing the document, please contact Christine and she will attempt to clear up the problem.
  • Here is the google doc (removed), so please add your ideas/examples/scenarios as soon as possible.
  • We also put out another plea for people to present one of the CSU led sessions at the summer training session.
    • There have been no volunteers yet, so please send your interest to Cathe as soon as possible.  
    • If you aren't interested in presenting, but you are interested in either of the topics, please reach out to Cathe as well.  Others are willing to present, but don't necessarily have the knowledge necessary, so please share your workflows!
    • If you are unable to go to the training session, but if you want to present, there will be zoom set up in 
    • If you have any questions about this, please contact one of us from the FFC.
BoundwithsMatthew Prutsman (Unlicensed)
  • Matthew discussed the new changes for the boundwiths.
  • The recording shows the boundwiths discussion and explanation from 7:19 to 12:45.
  • The documentation can be found here.
Batch Update/PrivilegesCathe Olson (Unlicensed)
  • Cathe showed a demo of how to batch update users.
  • The recording shows the tutorial from 13:10 to 26:45.
  • Also, since the batch update cannot currently be done on circulation desk user roles discussion was made to put this in as an enhancement request.
Reading Room FunctionalityNatasha Allen (Unlicensed)
  • We decided to discuss reading room functionality at a different time
  • Natasha briefly talked about reading rooms and explained their functionality/uses.
    • Basically a reading room would be used for items that you want to keep track of (for statistical purposes), but you don't want the items to be checked out.  A good use for this would be for a special collections area.

What's making you crazy this week?

What's working particularly well?

  • Christine discussed the reloan limit and explained the issues that she's been having with it.  She showed how it was set up in the TOU and although everything looked good, it still wasn't behaving correctly.  She encouraged others to use it and to report back if it's working or not.
  • There was also discussions about the People Soft load and how it isn't currently assigning a patron role to users.
    • Bill showed a way to circumvent the system in the meantime until it's fixed.
    • Brandon has reported it to ExLibris and hopefully it will be fixed soon.