

Note Taker: Christine Evans

Discussion items

Replacement for Laura SunCathe has not reached out to Jaime yet about joining the FFC because she first needs to run it by the Coordinating Committee to get approval.

Open Forum Meeting Dates/Times

  • Tuesdays at 11am (last Tuesday of the month)
  • First Open Forum – September 25th from 11am until noon
  • Will finalize the agenda the week before the Open Forum

Student Success Document (Mallory)

  • We need to use evidence and supporting information to back up all facts.
    • Currently, the document is basic and more conversational. The details will be added in the coming weeks.
  • The document is outlined as follows:
    • Defining student success, challenges, why and actionable items.
      • Actionable items
        • Textbooks – how can we support reducing the cost for textbooks for our students? We can talk about reserves in this area. 
        • Fines/fees/money – how has our change in policy affected our students? Are the new policies in effect at every university?  Show what we could have collected under our old policies.  How can we reduce fines/fees charged to our students further?
        • Piloting new programs and policies, using our new found community.
      • Too much for one group to do in one year. Need to prioritize the items and work on certain things, but can’t do everything.
      • Come up with a plan to make this happen. Split up?  Focus on one area?
        • Put this on the meeting as a regular agenda item. Weekly tasks, weekly deliverables that can be assigned. 
      • Present to the coordinating committee and then getting buy in from COLD before we actually start doing the work (they might have edits).
      • What is our end project going to be?
      • Mallory will create a base document and everyone can edit/add comments.
        • She will also reach out to all of us to help with research on certain items
        • Natasha suggested to do a literature review
        • Circling back. We need to come up with a definition of student success and known challenges.  We should do this as a group and let everyone put comments/additions to that.
      • Ideas for Course Reserve affordability/accessibility:
        • Kevin’s dean applied for a grant for bottleneck reserves, he will share with the group.
        • SLO started a Textbook Give Back program where students donate textbooks to the library instead of selling them back to the bookstore, and then put the items on reserve. 
        • Cathe wants to put the information and share in a larger capacity like a project repository, so all can share their ideas. Natasha likes that idea, but thinks it might be too early. Maybe flesh it out more and then share.

What’s going well? What’s making you crazy?

  • Labor day holiday, most are just playing catch up.
  • Natasha had a good Code4Lib conference last week.
  • Notes from last week’s meeting are up on confluence.
  • Thanks to Mallory for making the document