- Cathe Olson (Unlicensed)
- Natasha Allen (Unlicensed)
- Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)
- Christine Evans (Unlicensed)
- Jamie Lamberti (Unlicensed)
- Matthew Prutsman (Unlicensed)
- Kevin Phillips (Unlicensed)
Note Taker: Jamie Lamberti
Discussion items
Item | Notes |
New Committee Member | Cathe informed Carlos Rodriguez of our choice. Carlos will contact the Library Dean to see if the person is interested and available. |
Open Forum Agenda | The next Open Forum is on Tuesday, September 25th from 11am – 12pm. Agenda:
Cathe will post a draft agenda to the team drive for review, then send it out to the listserv the week prior to the open forum. |
Access Services Survey | Fullerton will be sending out a library survey to students. Kevin has asked for possible survey questions to include. Similar surveys in the past have been very successful. |
Student Success Document (Mallory) | Mallory updated the document and included areas in red bold where more content, citations, and editing are needed. Areas in the first section were distributed among the group to work on before the next meeting. Christine, Jamie, Matthew, Mallory, and Kevin will work on adding content. Natasha and Cathe will work on editing. Everyone will read through the second section, Known challenges for our students, for discussion at the next meeting. |
What’s going well? What’s making you crazy? | Kevin asked who is still working on “technical-migration” records from Millennium/Sierra.