Created by Cathe Olson (Unlicensed) on Oct 30, 2018
Note Taker: Jaime Serrano
Discussion items
Item | Notes |
Volunteer for UResolver Task Force (David Walker) | - UResolver – link resolver for Alma (Get-It menu)
- Menu in Primo that shows physical item availability
- Trying to redesign to display information more clearly
- Design is too complex for our needs—our use case is much simpler
- Moving to a way that we don’t have to log-in to request through CSU+
- Need one volunteer from our committee to provide feedback
Vice Chair Needed | Still need someone to volunteer for vice chair |
Unverified Reports | - Christine, Jamie and Cathe tested the unverified reports
- Jamie will follow up with the report creators on a few issues that were discovered.
Next Open Forum | - Ian Chan (San Marcos) and Jodi Shepherd (Chico) can do Leganto demo/panel on 11/27/18. The only 2 that reached out about using Leganto.
- Cathe will work with them on setting up the demo and discussion.
- We also need to Solicit feedback on the enhancement process
Student Success Document
| - Student Success goals:
- Cathe created a Translating Concepts into Action (on drive) to use as the conclusion of the document we will send to the Steering Committee.
- Main focus of Document is affordability of school so she chose the items most related to that.
- FFC members go through it during the next week and add comments/suggestions
- Additional ideas related to course reserves:
- Expand course reserve listings through E-books
- Kevin working with bookstore to get listing of all required material to see what is available through E-Books
- Cal Poly – textbook match (displays what e-resources are available for different courses)
- How do we market Course Reserves/E-Reserves?
- What’s driving us crazy? What’s working well?
| - Automatic retrieval system (Jamie)
- Title/Author fields are being switched
- System is forgetting information affecting the way that it is stored
- According to Mallory, all 4 campuses experiencing the same things but only 2 have submitted cases. Solution may have been found.
Next Meeting: 11/6/18 @ 11 am