


Note Taker: Natasha Allen

Discussion items

Next Open forum
  • Ian Chan and Jodi Shepherd scheduled to do Leganto demo/panel on 11/27
  • Chico has been closed, so Jodi may not be able to participate fully.
  • Cathe will let us know if there are any further changes.

Access Services Conference

  • Christine: A library works directly with their bookstore to offer course reserves. Sometimes most expensive books get put on reserve automatically. The bookstore also has a banner linking to the library website.
  • Cathe: UC Santa Barbara presentation on disaster preparedness was useful, especially thinking ahead about what staff would be "essential" if the library remains open during a disaster. Also, thinking of who to partner with as the library is a natural place that people come to for information or services.
  • Cathe: Workshop on leadership gave information on working with students today. Advice included communicating the mission and the "whys" to students, letting them know you care, being open to their suggestions and feedback. 
  • Cathe Olson (Unlicensed): Will get Troy's google doc to share useful ideas from the conference sessions
Resource Sharing Open Forum
  • Mallory reviewed which campuses were shut down and reviewed analytics reports.
  • Mallory encourages everyone to check out the analytics dashboard Nikki created.
  • All related reports are located in the resource sharing reports folder and can be viewed here:
  • The October release has a new feature to disallow a patron to create multiple requests on the same item. Implications for this are if you are a campus that allows a patron to place a resource sharing request before their time is up on their current check out you may not want to turn this on.
  • Natasha, Matthew, and Cathe have all have found this happens at their campuses at the desk but are unsure why. Each campus will need to investigate this option further to see if it works for them.
Resource Sharing Functional Committee - CSU+ and CalState Walkin Patrons
  • The RSFC is looking for someone to help draft policies regarding CSU patrons who want to request and pickup CSU+ items at another CSU.
  • There is a larger issue there is no official policy on Calstate Walkin Patrons and what exactly their priviledges are.
  • Natasha volunteered to work with the RSFC on this..
  • Cathe connect Natasha to this task force and cc Mallory on her email to Chris.

Student Success Document/FFC Goals 

  • Steering committee minutes are available publicly here: Meeting notes. But no mention of comments on the Student Success document that was submitted with the committee update. Cathe will follow up with Kevin who attended in her place. 
  • Cathe Olson (Unlicensed) will create a document in the team drive to put all of our ideas we want to explore further.
  • What’s driving us crazy? What’s working well?
  • Christine will put in a case in to figure out why their user attachment purge is not currently working.
  • Natasha: continuing issues with patron statistical categories not showing up in the fulfillment subject area.
  • Cathe: items are showing up as lost and missing that are not actually missing.

Tabled Until Next Meeting:

  • Unverified reports that were unable to be verified (Jamie)
  • Shelf Report Documentation (Kevin)
  • Access Services and Student Success (COLD) - No news currently on this document as COLD has yet to meet and discuss it. Most committee members agreed it’s best to wait on feedback for this document before opening it up for the rest of the CSU to read.

Next Meeting: 11/27/18 @ 11 am  OPEN FORUM!