Created by Cathe Olson (Unlicensed) on Jan 09, 2019
Note Taker: Matthew Prutsman
Discussion items
Item | Notes |
Unverified Reports | No updates. |
Bulk Change of Reading Lists due back date test | - Cathe tested—bulk changes due back date on reading list, you would still have to change the course and item end dates, so it’s not a useful feature.
- Is anyone using this successfully? Group members will check with their Reserves folks and report back
- Mallory: It might be worth reaching out to Ex Libris to provide feedback and let them know how this could work better
- Cathe will raise this issue with the ULMS Steering Committee
IZ Analytics/shared/Community/Reports/Institutions/ CalState/ACRL IPEDS Official ULMS folder/Run in the IZ: 60 Column A. Total Physical Circulation | - Report shows locations and material type breakdowns
- Perhaps have a Fiscal Year drop down instead of a having to enter start and end dates
- If you open from IZ you will see local report, if you open from NZ you will see CSU-wide data (not advisable)
- Only includes actual checkouts (not in-house loans)
- Cathe will relay our recommendations to the Analytics Functional Committee
Student Success Document/FFC Goals
| - Working on survey to find out what campuses are already doing RE:reserves, fines/fees, and equipment
- Discussion of survey – How many questions? What types of questions? Format/software to administer?
- What policy/configuration changes have people made after going live in Alma?
- We will review the current questions, add to, comment, etc.
- We will loop back and discuss this document in the new year
- What’s driving us crazy? What’s working well?
| - The Letters purge job only purges patron facing letters, not Analytics letters or other staff facing letters
Next Meeting: 1/8/19 @ 11 am