


Note Taker: Kevin Phillips

Discussion items


Unverified Reports

No updates.

Feedback on changes to ACRL: 60 Column A. Total Physical Circulation

  • Nicki made changes to report based on our feedback.

  • Current/Last fiscal year is available.

  • Natasha asked about editing the report, but her requests were not possible.

Matthew update on the UResolver Task Force

  • One meeting so far.

  • Looking at the “Find It” section in Primo, also the requesting option for CSU+.

  • Discussed what the charge would be.

  • Working on proposals and will come to us for feedback.

Natasha update on CSU+ Walk-in patron task forceThey have a draft of recommendations for the group to look over:

Bakersfield survey regarding faculty policies

Next Open Forum: Feb. 26
  • Remind about COLD approved policies. 
  • Mallory: Configuration change that could have impacted CSU+;  Request Pickup configuration. Set at go live and probably hasn’t been touched since. Provide documentation to add to wiki.
  • Jamie will test new Lost and Paid feature and possible demo.
  • Multiple printer option is new feature in January release. Natasha will take test and possibly demo.

Survey on Course reserves/equipment/fines and fees

  • Would people actually take the time to do the survey? Is there a better way to get information on what people are doing?
  • We could use Network Analytics to get information on course reserves to find out what campuses stand out and then use the survey questions to interview targeted campuses to find out why their programs are working so well.
  • Cathe, Kevin, and Matthew will meet to come up with a list of criteria that would help us identify a robust CR program.
  • Next week, we'll appoint those who will look at Network Analytics and see if they can create reports for this.
  • Jaime said he will start looking at Network Analytics.
What's working well? What's making you crazy?
  • Some campuses are experiencing very slow Alma performance. Not sure whether it's an issue with Alma or the campus.
  • Natasha created a form that she will use at SJSU to track:

Next Meeting: 01/15/19 @ 11 am