Created by Cathe Olson (Unlicensed), last modified on Jan 17, 2019
Note Taker: Jaime Serrano
Discussion items
Item | Notes |
Unverified Reports | No updates. |
CSU+ Walk-in patron task force | |
Criteria for Reserve Analytics | - Criteria for Reserve Analytics document on Team Drive
- Trying to get a baseline of what things are/can be
- Maybe questions we can’t get from analytics is what we’re trying to get from this
- Is there a different set of information from the campuses that are using Leganto?
- What is the time period we are analyzing?
- Ideally spring/fall 2018
- CPP just went to semesters in Fall 2018—Spring/Fall may not be ideal
- Maybe Jan-June & July-Dec?
- Some data may be complicated to find from Analytics (Faculty/Library material, different locations for Reserves on different campuses, etc.)
- Next Step Create Analytics:
- Mallory will work with Jaime. Kevin and Cathe down as potential analytics person as well.
- Timeline for research: 3 weeks
- How do we see ourselves bringing out these interviews to these campuses?
- Might depend on when we find from these analyses
- Matthew: possibly open forum/spotlight?
Survey on Course reserves/equipment/fines and fees | - On Hold while we work on analytics approach.
- CR survey questions could be used to interview campuses with robust program.
What's working well? What's making you crazy? | - Christine:
- Laptops on hourly loans but grace period not working when closing.
- Not charging people after the 15 min overdue grace period but works during daytime
- Needs to update TOU to “charge all hours open”
- Thank you Jamie for the knowledge!
- Kevin question: anyone done any patron record purges?
- Matthew as but not a huge purge. Set expiration dates and purge dates to purge
- Jamie purged at Sacramento. After purge primary identifier remained and no changes were made to item records in terms of circulation stats
- Matthew: single sign-on finally working!
- Mallory: expiring pick from shelf items being marked “Missing
Next Meeting: 01/22/19 @ 11 am