Created by Cathe Olson (Unlicensed) on Feb 27, 2019
Note Taker: Matthew Prutsman
Discussion items
Item | Notes |
Unverified reports that were unable to be verified | - Waiting to hear back from Troy—Jamie will follow up
Next Open Forum Feb. 26th | - Lost & paid feature
- Jamie was able to test new lost and paid feature
- Item is marked as lost and paid and removed from users inventory
- If item is checked in later it will refund the user
- Point out limitations
- Analytics reports if they’re ready we can point them out/demo them
- Patron load fix
- Matthew will test, document, and present (if it works)
Reserve Analytics Update | - Mallory and Matthew have worked on this, but need to gather our thoughts before we report out
CalState Walkin Recommendations | - Went through the recommendation and discussed
- We should test request/loan TOU—mention in configuration recommendations
- Cathe will flesh out internal users/self request through OneSearch
- Visiting scholar: do we allow walk-in privileges or not? Majority says let’s include; no one had reason not to include them.
- What about schools that require a physical ID?
- Cathe will ask “Affiliate” be changed to another term.
- We will flesh out configurations section after we have finalized the recommendation
- Add: all requests (include LRS) will need to be manually created for walk-in patrons
- Add: we did explore internal accounts so they can request themselves, but here are the reasons why we chose not to recommend…
Offline Circulation | |
Purging user history/attachments | |
Damaged Books for Resource Sharing | - Waiting for Resource Sharing to appoint person to work with us on recommendations for these.
Next Meeting is Open Forum: 02/26/19 @ 11 am