

Note Taker: Jamie Lamberti

Discussion items


Damaged Books for Resource Sharing standards

  • The Resource Sharing Functional Committee has reviewed and commented on the document.
  • The FFC discussed the documentation and made comments where necessary.
    • Discussion surrounding where to add condition notes revealed the necessity for more clarification and testing.
    • Discussion about whether to check in an item damaged while checked out to the patron will be brought to the task force.
  • The FFC has until the end of day on Friday March 29th to provide further comments on the document.
  • A general discussion of how damage is notated at each campus. Most campuses add a Fulfillment Note to the item record. Some write condition statements in the book.
  • The task force will address comments and concerns gathered and then test the procedures.

ULMS Fulfillment Policy Review/Update

FOR REVIEW ONLY: Policies, Recommendations and Best Practices

  • Brandon has asked each functional committee to review policies listed on the ULMS wiki. Most policies were adopted during migration, and may have changed.
  • Fulfillment policies: 
    • Default Replacement Costs: This policy was not approved by COLD. The group agrees to remove it from the list of policies.
    • Eliminating Daily Accruing Fines for Main Collection Items: This policy was approved by COLD as a recommendation for each campus. The group feels more clarification is needed and would like to revisit this policy.
    • One Year Loan for Faculty/Staff: This policy was approved by COLD. No changes are needed.
    • Semester Long Loan Period for Students: This policy was approved COLD. Clarification on the length of the loan period is needed (semester vs. term, minimum loan period includes renewals)
  • Cathe will meet with Brandon on April 4th to discuss policies.
  • Cathe emailed the list of issues resulting from Brandon’s check-in calls with each campus for the group to review before the next FFC meeting.

Reserve Analytics Update

Matthew emailed the document to the group to review before the next FFC meeting.

What's going well? What's making you crazy?

Update from Jamie on Lost & Paid status SF case:

  • ExLibris is firm on the fact that a credit will be applied when an item with the Lost & Paid status is returned.
  • By design this is different than the functionality for the Lost/Missing status, though I was not given a definitive reason why.
  • I informed them that the documentation is incorrect and was told they would update it. This has yet to be done.
  • My case is now Pending Development and I’m not sure if that is for the documentation or something else I wasn’t told about. 
  • I plan on posting to the Idea Exchange that the two functionalities work the same

Next Meeting: 04/2/19 @ 11 am  

Note: Jamie will be out until end of April.