

Note Taker: Christine Evans

Discussion items


Meeting Times

  • Kevin wants to make sure this is a convenient day/time for everyone to meet.
  • Everyone agreed that Thursdays from 1pm to 2pm works for now and let Kevin know if this schedule doesn’t work for you anymore and we can reevaluate.

ULMS Summer Training

  •  Joanna from Dominguez Hills will help with the student training portion.
    • Kevin will send the ideas from Joanna to Jamie (who is also co-presenting)
    • Fulfillment Group Meeting
      • This is the meeting where we usually do small topics.
      • There will be around 30 attendees at this meeting.
      • Unsure if you can call in to participate in the Group Meeting; Kevin will check at tomorrow’s Coordinating Committee meeting to see if that’s possible.
      • Should we do small topics or just have an open discussion?
        • We all discussed and the outcome seems to be having high-level discussions of these items and then go into details at the Open Forums throughout the year.
      • Jamie can help with the “purging records” discussion; she might not be able to present, but she can help research it.
      • Kevin will ask Natasha to help with the anonymization.
      • Jamie and Kevin will work on the letters discussion together.
      • We can also talk about the future Open Forum trainings that we will have to gauge interest and to see if anyone has any input on these.
      • Mallory also suggested that everyone can talk about upcoming projects that they have going on for this year.
    • Kevin switched the student training session and the inventory training due to a scheduling conflict with one of the presenters.
    • Kevin sent an Analytics request today asking people for ideas to send them to Jamie to be added to the session.
      • Course Reserves is an area that we want to make sure to show (especially usage reports).
        • Kelly Ann has a report to show usage that she’s going to share with the group and put in the “unverified” folder for Analytics.
      • What is being done for student training now?
        • Jamie said she does individual training for each student assistant showing them basically how to use Alma and then she pairs them with another student assistant on the desk so they can learn by example.
        • Kelly Ann doesn’t train students specifically, but she knows they do a Moodle course and have scenarios as well.
        • Christine said that she usually has staff train the students off the desk and then they are quickly paired with a more “senior” student assistant to get actually on the desk training.
        • Jaime usually hires students in batches and then does one big training session where students can use Alma hands on.
        • If you find any documentation for student training, send that information to the group and it can be integrated into Joanna’s presentation.
      • Jeremy is going to help Kevin with the inventory presentation.
        • Kelly said that she talked with her stacks maintenance person and she said that the Opticon wireless scanners weren’t that great. Kevin asked for her to send the exact model information so he can add that into the presentation.
Next Meeting
  • Next week’s meeting will most likely be canceled as 3 members of our group (Jaime, Mallory and Kevin) will be at I-Spie and Jamie will be on vacation.

Next Meeting: 7/25/19