Created by Kevin Phillips (Unlicensed), last modified on Aug 29, 2019
Note Taker: Kelly Ann Sam
Discussion items
Item | Notes |
ULMS debriefing | - Thank you Jamie for presenting with the inventory presentation
- Jamie has not sent Brandon anything yet (powerpoint)
- Someone requested analytics report
- Needs to put some in verified folder
- Kevin sending Brandon all presentation powerpoints/recordings
- Textbook give back program and reserves (Cathe Olson)
- Pop up library checkout
- Leaving the building into student population to promote library
- Swag giveaway
- How to plan, who to work with on campus, preparation needed
- Easier with Alma now possibly
- Bringing materials out to checkout to students outside the library
- Surveys in letters @ CSULA
- Monthly notices themes
- Link out to services or events for the month
- Test different things to include in letters
- Matthew can do a short presentation on letters
- CSUF trying to get a budget for textbooks
- Submit bottleneck courses for approval
- SF State just updated policies on purchasing textbooks
- Course readings or written by SF state faculty will be purchased
- Under $100
- CSUF buys all faculty publications
- Kevin will send out highlights from Jamie’s notes from ULMS
- Kelly Ann will also send out notes from ULMS
Open Forum schedule and topic discussion | Tentative 10/17/19 - Do new releases and maybe two topics
- Potential topic
- Kelly Ann will talk to other staff about purging
- Jamie has some experience with purging at Sacramento
- pre-ULMS records
- Expired for 2 years
- Clear purge dates
- Analytics report to find users and created sets in Alma and re-added the purge date and ran the job
- CSUF purged prior to ULMS
- Letters (Matthew Prutsman & Kevin Phillips)
- Highlight new releases (Jamie)
- Purging Users
- Anonymization? (maybe at a later date)
Next Course Reserves Demo | - Jamie will do next reserves demo
Migration meetings with Community Colleges | - San Marcos did
- Fullerton did
- San Francisco did
- Discussed about course reserves
- Opened up discussion about resource sharing and cataloging
- Lost loan profiles
- What and why they want to configure
- Shared wiki with colleges
- Potentially include community colleges to attend open forums
- How to structure? Q&A or present on topics they are interested in
- Invite community colleges to attend regularly scheduled open forums and invite Q&A
- Save last 5-10 minutes for questions from colleges sent beforehand
- Possibly have special sessions for community colleges
- Post to Slack - Brandon sent out link from ELUNA / Jamie can send out invite
- Callout for contacts to community colleges who would be interested in attending open forums
Next Meeting: 8/29/19