Created by Kevin Phillips (Unlicensed) on Sep 19, 2019
Note Taker: Jamie Lamberti
Discussion items
Item | Notes |
- Course Reserves (CR) Interviews
| - Kelly Ann has been interviewed (first interview)
- Per Kevin: interview was successful and got ideas to see if they can do some of the things that Kelly Ann mentioned
- Interview was recorded and
- Document has been sent out with the questions for the interviews to FFC
- Assignment: FFC is to look over questions and comment/suggest
- Next contact will be Cathe to see who can be spoken to at SLO
- 1-2 interviews per week
- CR workflow has been put up on workflows page for Reserves
- From last FFC members (2018-2019)
- Sent out to a few CR Coordinators to review document
Steering Committee (SC) expectations | - SC is a “Place to help us out with fleshing out ideas (not fully formed, other set of eyes to look at ideas, etc.)” –Kevin
- Per Christine: SC consists of reporting back what people say. Document with logistics and structure of the group
- Suggestions: Help when people don’t respond
- Suggestions: bring up what we’re doing on environmental scan of CR
- Is there anything we should ask them?
- Reporting back and see if there are any policies that should be coming out of this?
- Suggestions: find out what COLD is doing to see if what we’re doing aligns with what they’re doing, or if it supports what they are doing
Anything else? | - Mallory: document on Student Success was written up but no updates (yet?)
- CR was the main subject (best way to put money in students pocket)
- Maybe bring it up to SC again to see if they can bring up any ideas on where to go from there
- Kevin look through minutes to see if anything came from the SC
Next Meeting: 9/19/19