Discussion topics
Presenter | Notes |
Collaboration with RSFC regarding CSU+ Loan Periods | The Resource Sharing Functional Committee has received interest in extending the CSU+ loan period, either through a longer initial checkout or with renewals, and are looking for input from the FFC. FFC thoughts: - Longer checkout would benefit students. - Popular books would have limited use across CSU system. - Renewals may be better over longer loan period. - How will longer loan periods affect recalls for course reserves? Kevin will set up a meeting with RSFC to discuss. |
Course Reserve Interview Update | Kevin & Kelly Ann are continuing to meeting with course reserve coordinators. Kevin met with Pomona; Kelly Ann met with Fresno and Fullerton. Trends: - Most processing is done by a single staff member. Some have help of student assistants. - Most are not involved in selection and purchasing of textbooks. - Most do not market course reserves other than word of mouth. - Not many campuses process e-reserves other than e-books on some campuses. - Most do not collect analytics. Jaime will run a report in the network zone analytics that shows the total number of course and reading lists per campus. This will be helpful for future meetings. Kevin will create a folder on the team drive for course reserve meeting notes. |
Letters Update | Kevin and Jamie met with Arnel Ordonio from Fresno to discuss letters. Arnel shared his customizations for removing patron addresses and adding or reordering fields in a table. Jamie emailed colleagues at Sacramento to see if they still use the code for stopping a notice for a specific item location. Is there a customization to only send a letter x days before a due date or expiry date. This could be used to limit the number of hold shelf notices sent using the Requests – Send Report fulfillment job. Jamie will investigate. |
1Course Reserves Configuration | The default placement of a new brief course reserve record is the Network for most campuses. San Marco’s default is Institution. FFC members have not found a setting to make the Institution the default placement. Kelly Ann will talk to her systems staff to see if there is a setting, or if this is due to San Marco going live with Alma prior to the ULMS. If needed, Jamie will submit a Salesforce case to ask ExLibris. |