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Collaboration with RSFC regarding CSU+ Loan Periods | · RSSC talking about the 60 day loan period being too short. (Joe Adkins) o This was brought up at the Summer ULMS meeting. o Want to update to 16 weeks, instead of 60 days. o Working on gathering evidence and gather opinions about possibly making this shift. o Want to base this decision on evidence. · Possible pitfalls/feedback? o Would renewals be better? Or just updating the loan period? o Are all campuses doing renewals? Are all the loan policies the same? o Christine brought up the issue of all items being checked out for an extended period of time would make it more difficult for users to get. § Many counter points were brought up, including that even if items are no longer available through CSU+, that the item can be gotten through Illiad or other means. § Should focus on “what would be best for most” not rare exceptions. · Loan periods are also very variable throughout the CSU system throughout system, which might present a problem when trying to standardize CSU+ loan periods. o Especially CSUs that have shorter loan periods for their local material. · Initially the CSU+ loans for media/books were standardized at COLD. · What if concerns are brought up about media as opposed to general collection books? · Suggestions were made to get data to rebut all concerns. · First thing might be to gather information. · All of RSSC and Christine from Fulfillment can work on gathering information. · Some Analytics reports o Average CSU+ check out time? o How long overdue do they keep it? o Information on renewals? Or re-requesting the same book over and over again? · Meghann met with Zach who has done this (from a big 10 school). Mallory suggested that we piggyback on their data and see what reports that were made. o Meghann said that we can use some of the reports, but not all as they made a different path. o Looked at part of that presentation. · What are the risks of longer loan periods? o Patrons have a greater chance of losing material. o Fear of the unknown. o Hopefully data should help alleviate some concerns (look at the loss rate) · If we find out that there isn’t a need for it, then no need to extend the loan period. · Look at the data to see if 60 days is sufficient. · Taskforce will meet and Christine will report back to the FFC. |