Christine has received an email from Resource Sharing about discussing the loan periods. (right now is 60 days)
Kevin- turned on the function to indicate “no duplicate requests” at his library, but people have been unhappy because requests turned away until the request is completed from the home institution. This is a good reason why the loan period should be extended, or people shouldn’t enable this feature.
Christine says that her institution hasn’t had any issues
Kevin—if people want their campus to be able to request another copy before theirs is due, this feature has to be turned off, or else the request will be rejected
Settings in Alma are : Config—Fulfillment—Customer parameters—check patron duplicate—False
This is a good time to jumpstart a discussion to change CSU+ loan period to longer period
Natalia at SM has a widget for duplicate requests (Mallory), Kevin will contact her about this
Survey Open Forum
Staff member survey is very similar to chair survey, there will be a discussion with Brandon about what’s working and what’s not working
Kevin will send out the meeting invite. Brandon only wants one survey response from each chair. Discussion with larger group for Brandon to note people’s issues so he can represent them in negotiations
Kevin—prepare some questions/directions for the conversations
Mallory—what do you wish you could do in Alma that you can’t right now?
Kevin—have more in-depth Course Reserve analytics
Mallory—resource sharing stats—no uniting number/identifier that links lending/borrowing together, wishes there were more ability to crosswalk reports
May be a limitation of Oracle, not Alma. Would be good to know how the data was mapped to better understand
Kevin—is there a document that has a workflow of crosswalk data?
What workflows have been made more difficult in moving from III to Alma, if any?
Alma Permission Levels & Campus Documentation
o Alma has broad levels, Kevin change their workflows to be more open and broad
Permission issues with student sometimes
Permissions—functional groups at Fresno, instead of one main administrator
Documentation of how things were done, as people leave CSUs, it makes it difficult to share information with others? Christine—documentation on what changes were made, when, and why. It is difficult to remember to document all of the changes, but they try
Open Forum Preparation
Kevin will send out the meeting invite for this to all CSUs.
Discussion categories.
Hold shelf letter from ILLiad adjusted
Insert surveys
Christine—highlights for previous releases
Jamie—Purging patrons
Open Discussion
Course Reserve Interviews
How to disseminate the information from the interviews?
Kelly Ann—notes; Kevin—has been recording them
Sharing raw data and highlights, examine if there are any analytics
Most people really want more robust course reserve analytics
Kevin wants—what do I have on reserve, and what’s the checkout data for it?
A better way to extend expiration dates (in bulk vs. individually)
Many people are looking for different ideas on how to reach out to their faculty
Mallory—fashion the data into a report that identifies strengths/weaknesses, etc. Mallory also volunteered to read through notes, help to develop a more refined report that can be shared widely
Mallory’s Update on Anonymization
No one has gotten back to her yet from the Chancellors office, no policy. We should move forward as we see fit, develop our own policy.