Kim & Kelly Ann attended the Access Services Conference in November. Kim attended in person. Kelly Ann attended virtually.
Presentations attended had varied topics including:
Creating a positive work environment for employees with autism and other special needs
Serving veterans in the library
Designing study spaces to meet the needs of our users
Safety & security
Team work & equitable task sharing
Course Reserve collection development
Course Reserve self-service
Connecting student employment to student success
Kim will share presentation and materials when received.
Temporary location problem
Kevin and others reported a problem to ExLibris where items in a temporary location showed zero inventory in Primo. The issue may have been resolved.
Kevin also noticed an issue where TOUs were not being followed at checkout for certain locations.
Course Reserve Update
Kevin has one final interview – San Bernardino.
Kevin uploaded his interview notes and files to the team drive, but they still need to be organized. Kelly Ann will upload hers.
The information needs to be compiled to we can see similarities and differences between campuses, find stand-out programs, and determine which projects, programs, and procedures could be shared with the larger community.
The team will work on creating a white paper or report on the findings.
CSU+ Loan Period Update
The RSFC is working on creating analytics to determine the average amount of time a CSU+ item is on loan, overdue, and possibly re-requested.
Christine will continue to share information, as it is available.