


  • Kim Wobick

Discussion topics



Walk-in Patron Recommendations

The Walk-in Patron recommendation developed by the 18/19 FFC and RSFC need to be revised based on COLD’s new policy documentation. The RSFC would like to allow CSU+ requests for Walk-in Patrons, but the FFC has concerns about the additional steps involved.

  • Accounts would need to be Internal for patrons to log in to OneSearch to make requests

  • Changing the accounts to Internal requires a User Manager role, which most front desk staff do not have

  • Internal accounts will not be updated with current information from the home campus

Some additional considerations to only providing access to host campus resources:

  • Least complicated account creation option which does not require intervention of another staff member who may or may not be available when the account is created

  • Allows consistency of service between campuses

Statistics show the service is not used much among the Northern California campuses. Los Angeles and Fullerton have the largest number of Walk-in Patrons. Are we creating a policy for a small amount of users, or would there be more users if access was publicized?

Kevin and Jamie will meet with Joe Adkins of the RSFC to determine the next steps.

Making item Unavailable in the Network Zone

Christine wondered if there is a way to designate an item as unavailable for requesting in the Network Zone besides suppressing the bib records.

The answer: Unfortunately no. Suppressing the holdings records would help, but that would also remove the item from view.

Chrome Update

Chrome version 80 will be released on February 4th and may affect Alma functionality and the Get It menu in OneSearch. Kevin will reach out to David & Brandon for more information.

Course Reserve Update

All answers have been compiled. Kelly Ann will transfer all answers into a Google Spreadsheet she created. There is still no interview from Sonoma.

Open Forum

The tentative date for the next open forum in Thursday, March 5th.

Action items