No updates yet. Our first meeting is scheduled for September 27th 10-11:30.
Open Discussion
Committee vice-chair. Any volunteers?
Gabriel has volunteered for the role of vice-chair. Rachael will email Brandon D.
Are folks open to field trips to other libraries to learn about services, staffing, organization, and operations?
This idea was well received by the group. Some may use personal time to visit other libraries this semester.
Goals for the committee for this year.
Question about listservs, what are they and how do they work. Chris provided a general summary. Here is information on how to subscribe:
Listserv: To join the Access Services mailing list, send an email to from the email address you'd like to subscribe.
Send out to Access Services and Resource Sharing listservs for feedback
Bring to Steering Committee for review/feedback
Bring to COLD for final review and to become a policy. I believe the COLD rep on the Steering Committee does this.
Regular review of Alma/Primo Release Notes
Satisfaction survey (annually around October/November)
General Fulfillment/Access Services survey to track service trends, service models, what’s changed, etc.
Wrap up/Action Items
Chris will begin dialogue with RSFC at their meeting on 9/1. Our two committees will most likely collaborate on the Cal State Walk-in Policy.
Are folks ok with canceling our meeting on the 7th, and meeting on the 14th instead? Unless activity changes and we end up having a lot to discuss between now and the 7th.
Correction, we had bi-weekly meetings scheduled, so next meeting will be 9/21. Email sent out to committee.
We should have a deliverable for the Steering Committee by 9/27 to report who will serve as vice-chair, and what our planned agenda is.