CALSTATE Resource Sharing Governance Task Force

Friday, July 29, 2016

Task Force Members:

Stacy Caron (Fullerton -- co-chair)

Dawnelle Ricciardi (Sonoma State -- co-chair)

Julie Kowalewski-Ward (SJSU)

Jesica Brubaker (SDSU)

Christopher Lee (Cal Poly SLO)

Gretchen Higginbottom (Fresno State)

Lina Carro (Humboldt State -- not present today)


Brandon Dudley (CSU)

Dolph Chaney (ExL)

Megan Drake (ExL)

Svetlana Smirnov (ExL)


Task Force needs information from ExL

  • Decision not yet made re peer-to-peer vs. broker

    • Megan: Broker (ILLiad) will work but will have less functionality than peer-to-peer

    • Concerns are that additional workflow would be needed, particularly for very small shops; if PtP functionality streamlines work to offset things that need managing in ILLiad and/or LINK+ as last resort, that's important information

  • Comparison needed between LINK+ (INNReach) and Alma PtP -- Alma may be set up potentially with LINK+ as last resort

  • Propose a RS Vanguard test, ideally 5-6 partners (AI: task force to define vanguard members, then send list to ExL for setup in NZ and distribution for initial tests - estimating by Aug 5th)

  • What patron data needs to be shared for implementing Fulfillment Network?

    • Svetlana: in Nov 2016, new functionality such that only name and e-mail address would have to be shared.

  • Differences between Direct Requesting and Peer-To-Peer Requesting

    • DR - request is made on the specific item level from a specific institution; Fulfillment Network already set up so patrons can pick up anywhere in the network

    • PtP - request is title-level, goes through a rota (random or ordered list) of institutions and identifies who can fulfill the request; pickup location is the supplying institution unless there is also Fulfillment Network walk-in patron set up to allow for 'pickup anywhere'

  • CSU primary emphasis is print material rather than digitized articles

    • ExL: common approach is to set up for print only; can even be set up for monographs only if desired

  • Advice from ExL (Svetlana): be thinking now about what the RS policies should be -- loan period, hold shelf length, etc. -- as well as PtP vs broker

  • Timeframe expected for test period?

    • This differs a lot customer-to-customer, so it's hard to predict.  Centralizing config via NZ distribution is key to minimizing the setup period.

    • CSU goal is to have vanguard tested before semester start in Sept

    • ExL: at latest we would expect full rollout to all institutions by early March, so campuses have 6-8 weeks to test before freeze / cutover